Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Samsung Galaxy SIII concept

While we wait for an official announcement, here is a great looking concept for the Samsung Galaxy S3 made by Tyler Lehmann.
Beautiful Samsung Galaxy S3 concept
This concept is one of the best we have seen made so far, and I sure wouldn’t mind if the real Samsung Galaxy SIII looked like this. This concept features most of the specifications we have talked about lately.
The first thing to notice is the big screen, which covers almost the entire front surface. A bevel is almost non-existent (but there still is a tiny one, which is there to prevent any damage to the screen if the phone falls) and the buttons are integrated onto the screen. This is one of the many new features of Android Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS).
The back looks like its made out of a different material, this goes well the rumored ceramic back the Galaxy S3 will have.
We miss a few things though, the first thing we noticed is the lack of Android Touchwiz, instead the default Android ICS is used, which of course is fine. I also miss Samsungs logo somewhere on the front of the phone. The last thing to notice is the lack off a dedicated camera button.
Here are more pictures of the concept:
And here is a video, showing the concept in 3D:
Click to play this video
Samsung Galaxy S3 Concept V2
Watch this video on YouTube.
What do you think of this concept, do you like it or what would you like to change? Let us know in the comments!

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