According to a report by Digitimes, Apple’s next generation iPhone is rumoured to use a new display panel technology which makes the device thinner and lighter. The technology, which is called in-cell touch, is being rolled out by Sharp and Toshiba.
An improvement in yield rates of the in-cell touch panels at Sharp and TMD has persuaded Apple to choose to cooperate with Japan-based panel makers, the sources noted. The adoption of the in-cell touch panels, if realized, will also have a significant impact on the operations of Apple’s current touch panel suppliers TPK Holdings and Wintek, which are specialized in the production of glass on glass touch solutions currently, said the sources.
At this moment, the iPhone’s capacitive screens require a touchscreen to be fitted outside of the LCD, meaning there is an additional layer of sensing glass which increases the thickness. If Apple chooses to use this new in-cell technology, it does not only mean slimmer and lighter devices in the future, but lower costs as well.
" menurut laporan oleh Digitimes, telefon pintar Apple iPhone yang akan selepas ini dikatakan akan menggunakan teknologi panel paparan yang baru sekaligus menjadikan peranti itu kecik dan ringan. teknologi itu yang dikenali sebaagi in-cell touch sudah mula dikeluarkan oleh Sharp dan Toshiba. Jika Apple membuat keputusan untuk menggunakan teknologi in-cell ini, pengguna bukan sahaja dapat melihat iPhone yang nipis dan ringan malah kos yang lebih rendah "
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